BuyersChoice Auto Loan Program

Why pay for the whole car? you have options

BuyersChoice Offers Payments Up To 40% Lower Than Conventional Financing 

BuyersChoice auto loan is a simple interest loan that gives you a leg up on your auto's depreciating value once you drive away.  It’s not a lease, but it gives you low payments like a lease and choices when your auto loan matures. 

A huge benefit of our BuyersChoice Auto Loan Program is that you have the option to surrender your vehicle and “walk-away” from that final payment at loan maturity (like you would with a lease).  Also, at any point during your loan term or at loan maturity, you can satisfy your loan balance by trading in your vehicle or selling it. Of course, you still have the option to refinance at any point as well, if you decide you want to keep the vehicle longer.  It's the perfect choice for the buyer that likes to keep options open!

Here are the main advantages:

  • You own the car - The title is in your name
  • Lower payments - up to 40% lower than conventional auto loans
  • No or low down payment - even the taxes and registration fees can be included in the payment plan.
  • Mileage plans for various driving habits - from 7,500, 10,000,12,000, 15,000 to 18,000 miles per year.
  • New & used cars can qualify
  • No up-front fees
  • Trade-in, sell, payoff or refinance at any time without any prepayment penalty fees
  • No higher insurance premium
  • Trade in tax credit (varies by state)

Drive a new car that keeps you and your family safer with less maintenance and peace of mind!  Some restrictions include, no Manufactures suggested retail price over $75,000 and a residual value over $20,000.


Buyer’s Choice:

*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rate quoted for BuyersChoice is 6.99% APR, $86.54 per $1,000 borrowed. APR, loan terms, monthly payments and savings shown are estimated, and are based on your credit profile. End of loan term options for BuyersChoice are; you may payoff loan balance, refinance, sell, trade in or return vehicle at maturity. Fees at maturity will include $195 Disposition Fee and possible Excess Mileage Fee of $.10 per mile. HACU Loan approvals are subject to credit qualifications and collateral value.

*% as low as
APR 6.29%*
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